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23 07, 2016

Setup Hyper-V 2012 Replica with Certificate Based Authentication

By |2016-07-23T14:50:24+02:00July 23rd, 2016|Allgemein, Hyper-V, Virtualization|Comments Off on Setup Hyper-V 2012 Replica with Certificate Based Authentication

Pre requirements MakeCert is a MS certificate creation tool which generates self-singed certificates for testing purpose. We will need the makecert.exe to generate our self-singed certificates. (More Information’s could be found here Test Environment Our Test environment has two servers without a domain that mean we will use a basic Workgroup setup for this HowTo (if the two servers will be part of the domain a replica with SSL setup you could leave out Step 5). Our setup looks [...]

17 08, 2011

Convert Windows Server 2003 vmware .vmdk to Hyper-V .vhd

By |2016-10-22T11:39:41+02:00August 17th, 2011|Virtualization|Comments Off on Convert Windows Server 2003 vmware .vmdk to Hyper-V .vhd

I've tried the last night to move my VMWare Machines to Hyper-V get in trouble with my Windows Server 2003 *bahhh* The main problem was Hyper-V does not recognice SCSI Disks as Bootable, so my Macine was installed on a SCSI Disk. So if you convert your .vmdk into .vhd container you'll get a blue screen error while boot the system. After some searching i've found a solutin for this problem, the issue is you dosn't have a ide driver [...]

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