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The Documentation Page provide you with all informations for about our Joomla extensions.
Please select one of the below categories to browse the right extension.

Easy GCalendar – Enable Google-Maps support via JavaScript API Settings2025-03-06T17:43:37+02:00

With version 1.2.3 Easy Calendar has added the support to define an seperate Google JavaScript API-Key.

This will allow you to use the Google-Maps within the Event details view otherwise you will receive an error message, cause Google has deactivate the public usage of Maps without a valid API-Key.

The API-Key could be easily set within the component global settings in  the Maps Tab (see screenshot below).

Easy GCalendar – Setup: Frontend Framework2025-03-06T17:53:25+02:00

Within the Easy GCalendar settings you could switch between different frontend Frameworks that is quite useful if you use as example a template that is based on Bootstrap 5.

The Component currently supports the following Frontend Frameworks for Joomla 4+:

  • Bootstrap 5


For the lagacy Joomal 3.x:

  • Bootstrap 2 (Joomla 3.x builtin)
  • Bootstrap 3


Easy Image Rotator – Responsive mode2025-03-06T17:51:08+02:00

With version 2.0.6 EasyImage Rotator we have added support for responsive images and bootstrap 3 layouts. The new responsive mode is enabled by default und should work with single image and Image Slider setups.

Please be aware of the responsive mode does not work together with corping images that will be disabled aoutmaticaly if the responsive mode is enabled!

Easy GCalendar – Calendar filter options (overview)2025-03-06T17:44:14+02:00

With version 1.2.0 Easy Calendar we have added the support of a new filter option for the calendar. This filter give you the possibility to select between the selected calendars from the backend and will than only display selected calendar events.

Google API – Enable Google Calendar API via API Manager2025-03-06T17:42:48+02:00

To enable the required Google API functionality for to the Google Calendar please follow the instruction below. First of all, it must logon in with an existing account to or create a new one.

After successful login, you will see the API Manager – Dashboard her you could find a quick overview of usage statistics and a list of all enabled API’s for your account.

To enabled a new API for the account please click on “Enabled Apis and Services” you could than search for “Google Calendar API” and add it to the list of enabled APIs.

After you’ve added the “Google Calendar API” you also might need to add a new credentials (API-Key) to start using it. Please navigate to “Credentials” the navigation on the left side you should than find an overview of your authentication methods there.

If you do not yet have an API-Key yet, you should create a new key via “+ Create credantials” within the dropdown chose “API key” a new key will be automatically generated. We will then continue with with restricting the key to prevent unauthorized use.

Within the credentials details you could set a Name for management purposes but much more important you could give the key a restriction. For the usage with Easy GCcalendar you could chose IP addresses cause the communication of the component with the api will be handeld in the background from server to server. You can also limit the key to specific apis to prevent from unallowed usage.

Easy GCalendar – Google calendar Free / busy privacy settings2025-03-06T17:45:25+02:00

If you like to use a calendar that has events that should not display any details like title, description or location cause of privacy restrictions you could do this by enabling the relevant setting within the Google calendar event settings.

Google Calendar free / busy settings


Google Calendar free / busy sample

The displayed text could be customized within the translations.

Google API – Test access for your calendar2025-03-06T17:43:07+02:00

Easy GCalendar use Google Calendar to display events from a public calendar.

In some cases it might be useful to double-check if you could reach the API from your System / Browser, keep also in mind that the access of the API is maybe restricted e.g. to a specific IP-Address or HTTP referer (Setup this via

Replace [YourCalendarId] with your Calendar ID from Google Calendar and the [KEY] with your Google Developer API Key (Double-check if there are any access restrictions for this key).

Sample URL:[YourCalendarId]/events?key=[KEY]

Google API call JSON response

Sample Google API call JSON response for the calendar.

Easy GCalendar – Setup Google Calendar2025-03-06T17:57:18+02:00

Easy GCalendar use Google Calendar to display events from a public calendar. Google Calendar can serve as a backend that manages and persistently stores event data.

You must first have a Google Calendar API Key

If you haven’t set an API Key for the calendar yet go to the Google Developer Console and follow the instructions from the FAQ under Google API – Enable Google Caledar API via API Manager.

Make your Google Calendar public

  1. In the Google Calendar interface, locate the “My calendars” on the left.
  2. Hover over the calendar you would like to use and click the downward arrow.
  3. A menu will appear. Click “Share this Calendar”.
  4. Check “Make this calendar public”.
  5. Make sure “Share only my free/busy information” is unchecked.
  6. Click “Save”.

Obtain your Google Calendar’s ID

  1. In the Google Calendar interface, locate the “My calendars” area on the left.
  2. Hover over the calendar you would like to use and click the downward arrow.
  3. A menu will appear. Click “Calendar settings”.
  4. In the “Calendar Address” section of the screen, you will see your Calendar ID. It will look something like “”.
Easy GCalendar – Getting started2025-03-06T17:46:39+02:00

Install the extension

Download the latest version of the Easy GCalendar. Next, go to your Joomla backend administration area and install it via Extensions -> Install/Uninstall.
Now all required extensions of Easy GCalendar are installed.

  • Download the latest version of the Easy GCalendar
  • Go to the Joomla extension manager
  • Click on the Upload & Install button and choose the downloaded package

Set your timezone

In your Joomla Global Server settings, change the time zone to your timezone. The timezone you set is important to display the calendar items in the right timezone within the calendar.

Setup your first calendar

Before we can display results on the Site it is necessary to setup at least 1 or more Goolge Calendar entries within the Administration that could than used later on within the component & modules.

  1. Click on Components > Easy GCalendar > Calendars
  2. Click on New Button
  3. Fill out the form completely
  4. Click on Save & Close Button

Setup first calendar step 1

Setup first calendar step 2

If everything was successfully you should now see your newly created calendar listed within the list:

Setup first calendar step 3

Setup your calendar site

  1. Click on Menus > Main Menu > Components > Add New Menu Item
  2. Select “Easy GCalendar > Calendar view” from Menu Item Type selection possibilities.

Setup calendar site item 1

Setup calendar site item 2

After the item type selection you will see the following screen all the red marked tabs contains configuration possibilities to customize the Easy Calendar:

Setup calendar site item 3

The “Basic Options” Tab contains the configuration possibility to customize the the calendar view:

Setup calendar site item 4

The “Event” Tab contains all possible options to configure the event details view:

Setup calendar site item 5

Finally, you should now save the new entry by clicking on the “Save & Close” button!

Image Rotator – Can I use a URL instead of the directory path?2025-03-06T17:51:35+02:00

NO this is currently not possible.

Image Rotator – What is the directory root for images ?2025-03-06T17:51:20+02:00

The image root is your joomla website from that you can specifie every relative path your want e.g. mages/sampledata/fruitshop/* or images/banners/test.png

General – How can i install or Update the Extension?2024-10-11T07:46:15+02:00

Download the latest version from this website and  go to your extension manager within your joomla administration site. Select the .zip archive an click Upload & Install (If you want to proceed a update follow the same instructions)

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