Easy GCalendar v1.2.3
[X] Added Map settings to support a seperate Google JavaScript API Key. [X] Added Calendar column format settings. [B] Fixed CSRF caching issue.
[X] Added Map settings to support a seperate Google JavaScript API Key. [X] Added Calendar column format settings. [B] Fixed CSRF caching issue.
[N] Added Frontend Framework support for Bootstrap 3
[B] Fixed an issue with calendar caching that lead to wrong results. [X] Protection against CSRF attacks. [X] Database security improvements.
[N] Added calendar filter option within the overview (more Informations). [B] Fixed an issue with calendar item(s) color.
[B] Added missing translation for limited calendar text [B] Fixed an issue with DateTime object PHP syntax
[N] Free / busy support for calendar items [N] Joomla Update Server integration [N] PHP 5.4 is now the minimum supported PHP version [X] Google API Client v2.1.0